Thursday, December 22, 2011

I recently had a little fun will my new camera. It's nice to have a camera again. The last one I had was a 2.0 mega pixel that I'd purchased before coming to China in 2002. After arriving in Changchun, my Korean classmate dropped the camera on the ground and it broke. Cameras have come a long ways since then. Haven't we all.

Celebrating 8 years in China, I am thankful for a full life and a growing dream. I'm thankful for love, friendship, kindness and understanding. I'm thankful that I'm no longer afraid of my shadow and realize I am little more than dust that will one day blow in the wind like shavings of a tooth that fly from the dentist's drill.

The waters flow as a river and I a passer by. A sword once too heavy to lift, now strength from on high. My heart is full and spirit burns. The calm burning of old wood, around which sits people, happy and content. Meat, drink and veggies too, a helping hand and a soothing story. The days pass as ones small grow old, eternal chains of blood.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

The Year of the Rabbit

Crackling creek, is it the floor?
A pop and a boom, has something broke?
Sizzling wing, I think it’s outside;
There’s so much noise this year.

Rush to the window, a bang and a flash;
“Quickly,” I call, to the rest of the gang.
C'mover and look, a crowd gathers round,
Just in time, POW! Another one, bright.

Sunflower, lightning; black curtain, smoke.
Flashes and noises; excited, raised brows.
The New Year is coming; we smile’n cry out,
On with the rabbit, the year of good luck.